Baroul Alba

Baroul Alba este persoană juridică de interes public cu patrimoniu, buget propriu şi organizare de sine stătătoare, care este constituită şi funcţionează în baza Legii nr. 51/1995 privind organizarea şi exercitarea profesiei de avocat, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare, republicată în Monitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 98/07.02.2011 (în continuare Lege) şi a Statutului profesiei de avocat, adoptat de Congresul U.N.B.R. din 10 - 11 iunie 2011, publicat în Monitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 898 din 19 decembrie 2011.

Str. Teilor, nr. 15, Alba Iulia, jud. Alba


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tel: 0258-812-905

fax: 0258-819-847

Lun - Vin: 08:00 - 16:00

Sâm - Dum: Închis



Acasă / Știri de actualitate UNBR  / (TRIIAL) Project: Online Transnational Training Workshop “Arbitration and the European Rule of Law” – Call for Participants – Date: 10/11 May, 2021

(TRIIAL) Project: Online Transnational Training Workshop “Arbitration and the European Rule of Law” – Call for Participants – Date: 10/11 May, 2021

This project is co-funded by the European Union

This project is co-funded by the European Union

This project is co-funded by the European Union

This project is co-funded by the European Union

Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Judges and Arbitrators: Safeguarding the Rule of Law Under the EU Charter (TRIIAL) Project

Online Transnational Training Workshop

“Arbitration and the European Rule of Law”

Call for Participants

Date: 10/11 May, 2021 (two online workshops of half day each)
Time: 12.00 – 17.30, Amsterdam time
Host: The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Centre of Expertise Global Governance
Training coordinator: Dr. Barbara Warwas

Note: Participation is free of charge, but subject to the selection process described below. Each workshop will be on the same topics and each participant will be allocated to one workshop only, based on the selection criteria below. However, if you have a preference for a specific day, please mention this in your application.

Download PDF file

Call for participants TRIIAL 12 April

Articolul (TRIIAL) Project: Online Transnational Training Workshop “Arbitration and the European Rule of Law” – Call for Participants – Date: 10/11 May, 2021 apare prima dată în UNBR.