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Acasă / Știri de actualitate UNBR  / The Art of Legal Precision – A Masterclass in Trial Advocacy with Top US Litigators from the American College of Trial Lawyers / 20-24 May 2024

The Art of Legal Precision – A Masterclass in Trial Advocacy with Top US Litigators from the American College of Trial Lawyers / 20-24 May 2024

The Art of Legal Precision – A Masterclass in Trial Advocacy with Top US Litigators from the American College of Trial Lawyers

the Faculty of Law of Titu Maiorescu University

20-24 May 2024 invites you to participate in an exceptional training event taking place in Bucharest, at the Faculty of Law of Titu Maiorescu University, from May 20th to 24th, 2024. This training is specifically designed for criminal lawyers and will focus on the art of examining witnesses in criminal trials, starting with cross-examination methods from the USA. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to ask sharp and effective questions to witnesses during criminal trials, as well as how to formulate convincing conclusions in front of judges.

The trainers are: Nancy Hollander, Partner, Freedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A., Member – European Criminal Bar Association, Mona Duckett, Senior Partner DDSG Criminal Law, Cathy Fleming, Principal Attorney Offit Kurman, P.A., Paula Junghans, Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers and the American College of Tax Counsel, Brent Gurney, Partner WilmerHale, Scott Richardson, The Law Office of Scott N. Richardson, P.A..

These experts will offer precise and personalized advice to each participant in an interactive setting.

With a strong emphasis on adapting techniques to the specifics of the Romanian legal system, this course promises to provide a unique perspective and an innovative approach to legal practiceSpaces are limited, so that each participant can benefit from the trainers’ attention and expertise in a confined and interactive environment.

Do not miss this exceptional opportunity to develop professionally, learn from the best, and interact with some of the most important figures in the American legal system. This event promises to be a benchmark in legal training in Romania and an unmatched opportunity for all those passionate about criminal law. Register now and secure your place at the forefront of legal evolution!

Register now, places are limited!


Mihai Udroiu, Judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice: ”In the heart of our ever-evolving legal landscape, where the mastery of words shapes the very fabric of justice, there lies an unparalleled opportunity that beckons to us. It is with a profound sense of duty and a fervent passion for the art of law that I share with you an event that promises to be a cornerstone in our journey towards legal excellence. „The Art of Legal Precision – A Masterclass in Cross-Examination with Nancy Hollander and Top US Litigators” is set to unfold from May 20th to May 24th, 2024, and it is an occasion not to be missed.”

Florentin Țuca, Managing Partner ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASSOCIATES: ”Cross-examination represents one of the most powerful tools for deconstructing an indictment or testimony directed against the defendant. I am convinced that this technique can be successfully adapted to the Romanian legal system and that – very often – it could replace a brilliant plea. This is because, after a set of well-addressed questions, the cross-examining lawyer could convey to the judge with just one message in their gaze: quod erat demonstrandum.”

Ovidiu Budușan, Founder BUDUȘAN & ASSOCIATES: ”As a practicing lawyer who has only gained from involvement in international proceedings and contact with other legal systems, I appreciate initiative which brings Romanian lawyers the experience and perspectives of one of the most respected legal systems in the world, the American one, and the opportunity for direct interaction with internationally recognized legal professionals.”

Cosmin Vasile, Managing Partner ZAMFIRESCU RACOȚI VASILE & PARTNERS: ”Cross-examination has its origins in Anglo-Saxon law and plays a central role in the administration of evidence, whether in civil or criminal litigation. In international arbitration proceedings, cross-examination has earned its place, with most of the time allocated to the parties in evidentiary hearings being dedicated to cross-examination of witnesses and experts. Against this background, I have learned what an exceptional English barrister explained to me many years ago: cross-examination is not just a procedure, but a science and an art, which allows you to understand the case, approach the witness or expert and, ultimately, plead your client’s case. This is why mastering this procedure is also important for Romanian lawyers practicing in a continental law system.”

Augustin Zăbrăuțanu, Managing Partner ZĂBRĂUȚANU POPESCU & ASSOCIATES: ”For over 20 years, I am working with an American lawyer who teaches cross-examination in universities. My associate, Robert Popescu, an American attorney and professor, naturally sees the utility of cross-examination. He says that cross-examination is the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth and the most potent weapon in a trial lawyer’s arsenal.
I, Augustin Zabrautanu, a Romanian lawyer with over 20 years of experience, can tell you that such a course would have been very useful to me 20 years ago!”

Robert Popescu, ESQ., Founding Partner ZĂBRĂUȚANU POPESCU & ASSOCIATES: ”Cross examination is arguably the most potent weapon in a trial lawyer’s arsenal of litigation tools. In the simplest of terms, it entails the interrogation of an adverse witness in a carefully pre-planned sequence of closed-ended questions, that, ideally posed, should only permit „yes” or „no” answers.
It has often been said that cross examination is the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth. I will go a step farther and also say that in the hands of able counsel, cross examination can be an extremely effective tool to manipulate the perceptions of the fact finder and sway opinion. This, I teach my own students, is its greatest strength and objective.”

Participants will be divided into two groups, each attending for two days according to the schedule. Additionally, there will be a final day for demonstrations, which will be on Friday, 24th May.


Group 1

Monday, 20 May 2024 (10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.)

10-10:30 Introductions by faculty and participants. Participants should state their level of experience and goals for the workshop

10:30-11:00 Opening lecture on case theory and how to develop themes.

11:00-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-1:00 P.M. Break into small groups for cross examination exercises

1:00-2:30 Lunch Break* (*is not provided by us)

2:30-4:30 Continued cross examination exercises

Suggested readings:

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 (10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.)

10-10:30 Opening lecture on closing argument—story telling.

10:30-11:00 Break into small groups for closing argument exercises

11:00-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-1:00 P.M. Continued closing argument exercises

1:00-2:30 Lunch Break* (*is not provided by us)

2:30-4:00 Continued closing argument exercises

4:00-4:30 wrap up. Certificates of attendance, final questions.

Suggested readings:

Group 2

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 (10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.)

10-10:30 Introductions by faculty and students. Students should state their goals for the workshop

10:30-11:00 Opening lecture on case theory and how to develop themes

11:00-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-1:00 P.M. Break into small groups for cross examination exercises

1:00-2:30 Lunch Break* (*is not provided by us)

2:30-4:30 Continued cross examination exercises

Suggested readings:

Thursday, 23 May 2024 (10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.)

10-10:30 Opening lecture on closing argument—story telling.

10:30-11:00 Break into small groups for closing argument exercises

11:00-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-1:00 P.M. Continued closing argument exercises

1:00-2:30 Lunch Break* (*is not provided by us)

2:30-4:00 Continued cross examination exercises

4:00-4:30 wrap up. Certificates of attendance, final questions.

Suggested readings:

Faculty demonstrations

Friday, 24 May 2024 (seminar/faculty demonstrations) (10 A.M. – 12 noon)

– Faculty members demonstrate cross examinations and closing arguments.

– Q&A

– 2954 RON
– 2066 RON for members
– 2659 RON for qualified lawyers from Bucharest Bar (10% discount*)
– 2215 RON for trainee lawyers from Bucharest Bar (25 % discount*)
– 1477 RON for students (50% discount*)
*Discounts do not accumulate

Partners: The Faculty of Law of Titu Maiorescu University

*We thank Adrian Sandru for his input and exceptional ideas.

Important information
1. Prices are quoted in RON and include VAT. Prices are not a firm offer. Prices do not constitute a public offer. We reserve the right to select customers.
2. Please contact us only after consulting our personal data protection policy. The data will be used to maintain contact with you, not for marketing purposes. To stay informed about new and interesting events, we invite you to subscribe to our special newsletter dedicated to events.

Articolul The Art of Legal Precision – A Masterclass in Trial Advocacy with Top US Litigators from the American College of Trial Lawyers / 20-24 May 2024 apare prima dată în UNBR.