Baroul Alba

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Acasă / Știri de actualitate UNBR  / Competențele experților grupurilor de lucru tematice și a expertului coordonator selectați în cadrul proiectului TRIIAL

Competențele experților grupurilor de lucru tematice și a expertului coordonator selectați în cadrul proiectului TRIIAL






Raluca BERCEA is a Romanian law professor at the Law Faculty in Timisoara, a lawyer and a training expert of the Council of Europe. Her research mainly focuses on European Union law, human rights  and the theory of legal comparison. Her teaching career, both in Comparative Law and in European Law, includes teaching internships, as visiting professor, at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, at the M.A. Globalisation et pluralisme juridiques and, respectively, at Master de Droit européen (formation délocalisée de l’Université Lyon 3, France), at the Faculty of Law of Szeged (Hungary). She has also initiated, together with the Faculty of Law in the Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy), an intensive international teaching program of European Union Law, which has been running uninterruptedly since 2007, on the topic of Users’ Rights and Market Regulation and, respectively, Consumer Rights in the European Union. Alternative Dispute Resolution and Collective Redress.

Since 2017, she is a trainer in the European Law of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and since 2016 a representative of the National Association of Romanian Bars (UNBR) in the Council of Europe’s “HELP” training department (info point for Romania). Starting with 2012, she is the director of the Timişoara Centre of the National Institute for Lawyers’ Training (INPPA), and, since 2010, an INPPA trainer in European Law. As a training expert of the Council of Europe, she has held professional trainings for lawyers (in cooperation with UNBR and INPPA, in 2017, 2018 and 2020), and for magistrates (in cooperation with the Romanian Superior Council of Magistracy, The National School of Magistracy and EJTN, in 2017, 2019 and 2020). She has been the national coordinator on behalf of UNBR in international projects such as “e-NACT” (e-learning National Active Charter Training, 2018-2019) and “TRIIAL” (Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Judges and Arbitrators Safeguarding the Rule of Law under the EU Charter, 2019-2022), in close cooperation with the European University Institute in Florence.

She has translated books and studies of European Law and Comparative Law of foreign authors. All of these and the results of her own research have been published at international legal publishing houses (Presses Universitaires de France, LGDJ, Routledge, Bruylant, Springer, Cambridge Scholars) or prestigious national ones (Humanitas, Polirom, CH Beck, West University Publishing House).

Diana BOTĂU teaches Public International Law at Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Law. She is member of the bar since 2004 and lecturer at the Cluj Territorial Center of INPPA, where she teaches European Union Law and European Protection of Human Rights. She has published various academic articles on topics related to public law and two books focusing on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights: The International Doctrine regarding the Treatment of the Communist Past (C.H. Beck 2016, in collaboration with Gabriel Andreescu and Măriuca Oana Constantin), and Application of International Law in the Subsystem of the European Convention on Human Rights. Kononov Case (Hamangiu, 2013). She is coeditor of the volume Do You Like Law? (C.H. Beck, 2019, in collaboration with Raluca Bercea and Lucian Bojin).

Tudor CHIUARIU. Dr. Tudor Chiuariu covers a wide range of expertise areas in law and public policies, from law practice as a pleading attorney-at-law and arbitrator and, in these capacities, managing complex international/national disputes, to engagement in structural institutional reforms, in close link with international standards/organisations and to management of major investment programmes, both public and private. He is a former Minister of Justice, former Member of Parliament and former Senior Adviser to the Prime-Minister of Romania. He holds a PhD “magna cum laude” in Law, based on a thesis regarding procedural safeguards granted by European Convention on Human Rights and he lectures on Administrative Law, EU Law, Public Procurement and Arbitration. His publications approach a wide range of legal topics, from the rule of law to sports arbitration and from procedural safeguards in criminal matters to incompatibilities, conflicts of interests and control of wealth of public officials. Tudor is the founding partner of the law firm ”Chiuariu & Associates”, a 20 years’ established practice in Litigation, Commercial Law, Administrative Law and Intellectual Property Law.

Sorina DOROGA is a senior lecturer and vice-dean of the Faculty of Law of the West University of Timișoara, Romania, where she teaches European and public international law. She holds an LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School, as well as a PhD degree from the West University of Timișoara. Her research interests lie in the fields of EU constitutional law, EU external relations law, international adjudication and taxpayers’ rights. She also has extensive experience in private practice and is a qualified attorney with the Timiș Bar in Romania. Sorina Doroga’s main publications include Drepturile contribuabililor – Mecanisme de protecție europene și internaționale (Taxpayers’ Rights – European and International Protection Mechanisms), her doctoral thesis published at C.H. Beck Romania, Understanding Constitutional Identity through the Language of Courts, included in the collective volume Constitutional Identities and Social Memories in Central and Eastern Europe at Peter Lang, as well as two chapters on Romania in the volume Company Laws in the EU, published at C.H. Beck.

Alina GENTIMIR, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iasi, in charge with the courses of Legal Protection of Human Rights and Human Rights in the European Union. My LLM in Human Rights at the Institute of European Higher Studies (Strasbourg), Ph.D. thesis entitled Romanian Criminal Procedure in the light of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, specializations at prestigious European institutes and universities such as International Institute of Human Rights – Strasbourg, European University Institute – Florence, TM Asser Institute – The Hague, Sorbonne University – Paris, Academy of European Law – Trier, law clerk activity in European Court on Human Rights and International Criminal Court, books and publications in national and European journals outline my area of expertise in the fields of human rights, criminal justice.

Anca GHENCEA, barrister at Law Office Anca Ghencea in Bucharest, member of Romania Bar Association (UNBR) since February 1997 onwards. Her legal practice is civil law and Human rights. She has been a researcher since January 2001 – September 2009 – National Legal Research Institute under the aegis of the Romanian Academy and Assistant lawyer (May 2009 – October 2009 and March 2010 – July 1010) – European Court of Human Rights. She is also a trainer of INPPA –  organizing and running the seminars and workshops concerning human rights.

Anelis-Vanina ISTRĂTESCU. Lawyer within Bucharest Bar Association, practicing since 2002 in cases of human rights law, European Union law, private international law, civil and commercial law, labor law. Trainer within the INPPA of Bucharest (2005-2008 and from 2011 up to present). PhD University assistant (2006-2018) within “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest in Human rights law, in European Union law and in Civil procedural law and University lecturer (2018-2020) within “Carol I” National Defence University of Bucharest in Public international law and in Public administration in the field of security and defence. Coordinator Expert and Legal Expert selected by UNBR in the ACTIONES Project (2016-2017) and also Legal Expert selected by UNBR in the e-NACT Project (2017-2019) coordinated by EUI, Florence, Italy, in collaboration with the UNBR and other professional bodies and academic partners. Member of the network of legal experts in the FRICoRe Project (2018-2020) coordinated by the University of Trento, Italy, in collaboration with other academic institutions. Co-author of three books in Human rights and Humanitarian law, author and co-author of more than 25 articles published in Human rights law and European Union law field, contributor as a legal expert to the handbooks elaborated by EUI in the ACTIONES Project and e-NACT Project.

Isabela Delia Popa, attorney-at-law, has been a member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2009. She is a reputable professional with extensive expertise in labour law combined with litigation and dispute resolution, with over 12 years in business law consulting, out of which 6 years in senior management. She has been lecturer with INPPA since 2015. She had also organised seminars at the Faculty of Law of the Bucharest University and with The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA). During the last few years, she has been appointed expert in several EU-funded research projects (Interlex, Just Acces, Actiones and E-Nact). E-mail:

Roxana PRISACARIU is a lawyer, PhD lecturer in public law, human rights trainer for INPPA, trainer in descentralization for the Romanian National Institute of Administration and Council of Europe HELP certified trainer in anti-discrimination law with a focus on Roma minority. She publishes on Roma, national minorities and migration public policies and law, merging legal practice with research in this field. She is the CEO of Intercultural Research and Communication Center and the author of „National Minorities Juridical Status”, 2010 CH Beck (in Romanian).

Felicia Roșioru is Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She is also a practising lawyer since 2004. Author of two books and more than 43 papers and chapters in books, Felicia Roșioru is a member of the International Society of Labour and Social Security Law – ISLSSL – Youth Section, of the Romanian Association of Labour Law, of INLACRIS – Independent Network for Labour Law and Crisis Studies, MTA-PTE Research Group of Comparative and European Employment Policy and Labour Law and Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française – Roumanie. National expert in various European research projects, Felicia Roșioru has participated in more than 35 conferences

Ioana Șoldea, attorney-at-law, member of Bucharest Bar Association since February 2005. She has been running seminars in the field of human rights, being Trainer within INPPA since 2006. Email:

Articolul Competențele experților grupurilor de lucru tematice și a expertului coordonator selectați în cadrul proiectului TRIIAL apare prima dată în UNBR.